Telescopes and binoculars are multi-lens devices that are used by the visually impaired, offering enhanced viewing capabilities for distance. These devices can also be tailored or modified to assist with…
Contact lenses are used for those with low vision when there is: High refractive error (otherwise, a thick eyeglass prescription), therapeutic reasons: such as sensitivity to light and glare, and…
Eyestrain and headaches can be complex, arising from a blend of visual, physical, and mental stresses rather than a singular cause. For individuals with visual impairments, the experience differs due…
Near vision can be improved by strengthening the eyeglass prescription to magnify. The advantages of high powered reading glasses are that they can have a larger field of view and are hands-free.
Adapting to low vision should start with a comprehensive eye examination to optimize your vision with the best eyeglass prescription. This prescription is for distance and near viewing. What defines those with low vision is that even with the best prescription, they are unable to get perfect vision. More is needed.(more…)
Hand-held optical magnifiers come in many styles, sizes, and magnification powers. Commonly, they are sold as either round or rectangular clear lenses, with a handle. Other types include small pocket magnifiers and a plastic ‘card’ style.
Hand-held magnifiers
The actual amount of magnification that you get form a hand-held magnifier is variable and dependent on how you use it. Optical lenses have an optical property called focal length. If the lens is held above the page, at the focal length, you will get the magnification indicated by the manufacturer. If you hold it closer to the page, at a distance less than the focal length, you will get less magnification. Magnification is also dependent on whether you wear your distance glasses, your bifocals, or no glasses at all.(more…)
Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Text-to-Speech (TTS), and Speech Recognition Software (Speech-to-Text, STT) These are three technologies that can be used to manipulate the printed word to make it more accessible…
The low vision aids can be divided into 3 basic categories:
Objects modified for use by the visually impaired;
Optical devices; and
Electronic technology.
Browse any of the internet sites, like Amazon or Independent Living, Aids and you will see a vast array of devices called ‘low vision aids.’ Low vision aids can be anything from bold lined paper to the desktop CCTV (closed circuit television).
Low vision aides are associated with high powered eyeglasses and magnifiers. Assistive technology refers to low vision aids, both high tech and low tech. They are devices and products designed to level the playing field for those with visual impairments remain active, engaged, and independent.
With assistive technology, students can keep up with their classmates and move efficiently through the higher levels of education. The working visually impaired can maintain employment with the right assistive technology in place. When we are not working or going to school, assistive technology helps with activities of daily living. (more…)
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