Low Vision Devices are More Than Just Magnification

Low vision devices come in many forms. They can be optical, such as lenses, eyeglasses, and telescopes, electronic devices, such as video magnifiers, CCTVs, and digital assistants, or objects adapted for use by those who are unable to see details, such as those things that give audible cues or are labeled in large print.

All the devices, which are designed for the visually impaired, are not for restoring vision, but are used to compensate for what cannot be seen with the unaided eye. What they do restore is capability. For almost every activity, whether it is for work, school, or leisure activities,  there are  devices and modifications that can be made. 

Low vision devices are what gives you back control of your life.IMG_1357  They can connect you to employment and education.

They are a tool which is used to connect the visually impaired to the world. Much of contemporary society is visual. Information is flying at us in the form of television, signs, computer and digital device screens, and printed material. You will find that for each of these, there is a device or modification that can assist or make accessible these sources of information.

Low vision devices can keep you independent.  Loss of independence can result in feelings of depression and isolation. Low vision aids allow you to move independently and to better interact with your environment.

Low vision accessible technologies can keep you employed. So many jobs now are technology based, and designers of computers and mobile technology have considered the needs of the disabled in their design (with some encouragement through government legislation). 

Accessible and assistive technology can help maintain enjoyment in life. Television, movies, hobbies, and even driving for those who qualify, can continue to be a part of life.

Finally, learning to use low vision aids can create a self-confidence and a sense of well-being that comes with new capabilities. Low vision aids help you to function and maintain a quality of life.

Focus on ability not disability.

“Accept challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.”  George S. Patton