Yorkie dog sporting sunglasses

How Sunglasses Can Help the Visually Impaired

Sunglasses serve a greater purpose than simply reducing sunlight. Beyond visual comfort, they provide crucial protection and optimize visual function, especially for the visually impaired. It’s not just about light transmission; it’s about how the lens enhances their vision. Introduction: Sunglasses can be transformative for those with visual impairments. While many see them as a…

Eyeglass Technology: Lens Materials

You think that it should be simple: aren’t all eyeglass lenses clear plastic: Most are, but there are several types of plastic, each with features that differentiate them by how they function.   There are also glass lenses, which are only occasionally a first choice. Once the eye doctor has written up a prescription for eyeglasses…

Eyeglasses Used for Magnification

Near vision can be improved by strengthening the eyeglass prescription to magnify. The advantages of high powered reading glasses are that they can have a larger field of view and are hands-free. Adapting to low vision should start with a comprehensive eye examination to optimize your vision with the best eyeglass prescription. This prescription is for…