What are Low Vision Therapy Exercises?

image of low vision magnifying devices used to train the visually impaired, glasses, stand magnifier with handle, and 20x magnifier
  • Is the device used with prescription eyewear?
  • Is the device to be used for near reading or the distance? 
  • How far away from the eyes is the device best used?
  • How to hold the device. 
  • The best lighting when using the device, and where the lighting should be located.
  • Learn how to use optional features of the device.

They help the individual learn to utilize the peripheral areas of vision that are not affected by the disease. While these peripheral areas may not offer the same sharpness of vision as the central area once did, they can be immensely helpful when used in conjunction with magnification.

Through eccentric viewing, an individual gradually learns to rely on this “other” area of the retina as their preferred spot for seeing (known as the preferred retinal locus, PRL). Low vision eccentric viewing exercises aid in developing proficiency in identifying this area and swiftly referencing it for clearer vision.

Mastering eccentric viewing enables individuals to better utilize magnifying devices and enhances their ability to navigate their environment independently.

Interestingly, I’ve observed that younger individuals with visual impairments and those who experience a gradual loss of vision often naturally develop eccentric viewing skills without formal instruction or training.

image o a young woman  as a sighted guide for an older gentleman. He grips her arm  just above the elbow.
image of a white cane user  in boots and trench coat walking on a sidewalk
Image of a guide dog

4. Low Vision Tracking and Scanning Exercises

Driving privileges for the visually impaired are determined by state legislators, who establish rules and regulations regarding who can drive with low vision. However, the practice of driving with bioptic telescopes remains controversial and restricted in many places.

Bioptic glasses are low vision assistive telescope devices designed to help visually impaired individuals qualify for driving privileges. However, this option is not available in all US states. In states where driving with a bioptic is permitted, rigorous training is required.

Before using a bioptic for driving, individuals must undergo evaluation by a low vision specialist or rehabilitation specialist to determine their eligibility. If deemed eligible, they receive extensive training with a certified instructor. This training encompasses learning how to effectively use the bioptic telescope while driving and developing the necessary skills for safe driving.

Profile of a man wearing an Ocutech bioptic telescope

The Ocutech bioptic is an optical device. Learn about other types of telescopes: Low Vision Telescopes for Distance, Intermediate, and Near as Low Visual Aids

Learn about electronic glasses: Comparison of 14 Electronic Glasses for Use as Assistive Technology for Low Vision

If you or you know someone having difficulty with adapting to vision loss, see:

How Vision Loss Affects the Social, Emotional, and Practical Aspects of Life

6 Reasons Why the Visually Impaired Refuse Low Vision Aids

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